14th posting of photographs of Sydney August, 2015
It was a treat to visit the Taronga Zoo in Sydney again with my sister and nephew. The animals and the birds are stunning, as is the scenery. The zoo overlooks the harbor, so the giraffes have the Sydney Bridge behind them. The bird show is amazing. It was charming to see the gorilla with her baby. One gorilla took an interest in the Australian Wood Duck. Unfortunately, I dropped my 80-400 Nikon lens off the picnic table but it didn’t break, only the hood threads ripped off. I had it fixed under warranty on my return to NYC.
We also went to Centennial Park a couple of times. The wetland area is my favorite part. The gate to the tiny bird less bird sanctuary is a lovely work of art. However, I think it is too small to harbor any birds, and I did not see any in it.